
Digital Media Development

Lutherans For Life


nullAbortion, embryo experimentation, and assisted suicide afflict millions of our neighbors with fear, grief, and guilt that drive them away from the Heavenly Father and leave them searching for answers and salvation.
nullShareable video clips and graphics like this can connect communicate a powerfully life-affirming Gospel message directly into the desktops, living rooms, pockets, ears, and eyes of twenty-first-century neighbors struggling with life issues.

The mission of Lutherans For Life (LFL) is to equip Lutherans to be Gospel motivated voices for life. Life issues, like abortion, embryo experimentation, and physician assisted suicide are not political or personal choices but matters of the heart that effect people, neighbors, loved ones, and family. In America some 30 million women have undergone abortions since 1973 of which 54% identify as Christians. Suicide rates nationwide are rising. Physician assisted suicides are escalating. Digital media offers an open mission field to address these and other life issues. Yet much online communication degenerates, disrespects, and devalues life. LFL believes our Savior is calling us to speak the truth in love. This grant would fund infographics, memes (pop culture snapshots with captions), shareable video clips, webinars, and podcasts. This digital media initiative will serve as a visual witness and virtual conversation for Lutheran individuals and congregations to engage people using social networks like YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, and Instagram.

WHEREAS, life issues such as abortion, embryo experimentation, and assisted suicide afflict millions of our neighbors with fear, grief, and guilt that drive them away from God's grace, and;
WHEREAS, digital avenues like internet, smartphones, and social media offer an open mission field to connect to these individuals, particularly the younger generations before they face such situations, but current online conversations surrounding life issues regularly become volatile, most of all for Christian advocates of life's sanctity, since our values and perspectives run counter both to fallen human nature and prevailing public opinion, and;
WHEREAS, Lutherans For Life, a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, has for forty years become familiar and effective in equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices for life, declaring with courage how God's loving grace gives immeasurable importance to every human being, no matter what age, appearance, or ability, and demonstrating with compassion that His Word of forgiveness and resurrection in Christ Jesus brings a better way than death to address suffering and resolve difficulties, and;
WHEREAS, Lutherans For Life has the passion and expertise to translate these life-giving truths into digital content including images, video clips, webinars, and podcasts and to distribute them for Lutherans to use to respect and protect the least of these among us but lacks only sufficient financial resources for this initiative; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $30,000 to help fund Lutherans For Life Digital Media Development.

nullDigital media have become the primary means by which most people in our culture access information and exchange ideas for, on average, eleven hours per day, and especially the younger generations.
nullSocial media messaging winsomely brings our Gospel message of worth and purpose in Christ Jesus to our neighbors and our entire culture through tools such as YouTube, iTunes, Instagram, and FaceBook.
nullLutherans For Life equips Lutheran to be Gospel-motivated voices for life and engage life issues like surprise pregnancy, terminal diagnosis, infertility, and other disabilities with the courage and compassion that comes from trusting that God's loving grace makes every human being precious.


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