Devotional Collection on Stewardship. 6 pages.

Christian Stewardship is concerned with God’s gifts and the way we use them. There are many passages in the Bible that are concerned with a giving God and a receiving people. How the receiving people use all that comes from a giving God is, in my book, what Christian Stewardship is all about. 

Our Missouri Synod has this as their definition of stewardship: “Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes.”

The Eight T’s are: Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony, Touch, Tissue, Trash, and Technology. You know the first three; the last four go like this: testimony (Christian witnessing), touch (relationships), tissue (care of our bodies), trash (care of God’s creation), and technology (our use of the electronic devices and tools with which God has blessed us). 

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8 "T"s of Stewardship

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