Walking in Prayer

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16b).

In our frailty, our mind often wanders during prayer, or it may not always be our first go-to thought. God welcomes us to share our cares, listen to Him and enjoy spiritual renewal in our “walk” with Him.

Walking in Prayer resource cover

LWML’s Walking in Prayer: Organizing a Prayer Walk helps participants focus on their time in prayer. This new resource shares ideas for organizing an interactive Prayer Walk for the purpose of practicing and encouraging individual prayer time. The Walk is organized with participants stopping at several “stations” to focus on a prayer exercise. Ideas in this resource are organized into four different categories: Devotion/Prayer, Interactive Scripture, Mission Service, and Visual Prayer.

Consider adding a Prayer Walk to your next rally, retreat, convention or even your local group activities.

Susan Brunkow