With Joy Unending

Jesus said to her “Mary”. She said to him in Aramaic “Rabboni!”, (which means teacher) (John 20:16).

What a wondrous hope we are given in the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord. It truly is the quintessential holiday in which we rejoice, for He Lives! The Lord Jesus who suffered and died for us, has now risen for us! He who has risen from the dead will now call all of His believers by name on the day of the resurrection of all flesh and we will be brought into His eternal kingdom. The Lord who called Mary by name, knows your name and He will call you from death to His eternal Kingdom! “I know My own and they know me!” (John 10:14). Because He lives, you believer, will be called by name and brought into the eternal kingdom of glory. The resurrection of the flesh is ours for our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered death and the grave — He lives! Hallelujah!

LWML has wonderful Easter resources to help you celebrate the Resurrection with joy unending.

“Christ is risen, Alleluia! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!”

Rev. Mark Maas