nullChances are, your pastor does not regularly visit this website. Actually, I have found that many of my LWML Sisters don’t come here too often. This page is updated each week, and committees regularly post updates on their pages about new opportunities, products and processes to assist you in your society, zone and district activities.  Each week your visit is like seeing it anew.

As a women’s organization, we sometimes forget to inform and include our pastors in our LWML activity. Our pastors are our partners in mission. By right of his office as shepherd of the congregation, pastors should be considered as ex officio members of our LWML societies. They should be invited and encouraged to participate in meetings, activities, and leadership.

Reach out to your pastor and share this website with him and other LWML sisters. Encourage them to visit here often. Pastors and other church workers are encouraged to send in comments, suggestions, and district updates.  For more information about our partnering together, click here or go to our Church Workers in Mission page under the Service tab. Let’s serve the Lord with gladness, together.

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–12).
