Serving Because He Served

Do you identify yourself as a Lutheran Woman in Mission? I hope each day you look at what Christ has given you and respond with joyfully praising and serving Him through your family, community, and in the LWML.

We are so very blessed to know our Savior loves us, has saved us from our sins, and never leaves our side. We study the Scriptures, give our mite offerings, and serve as leaders in this organization so that others will know of God’s mercy and grace. By God’s grace, we reach the lost and hurting around the world.

Have you asked God how He wants you to serve in the LWML? Have you considered allowing your name to be submitted to the LWML Nominating Committee for a national office? Is this something He has placed on your heart? If you’ve been moved by His Word, then I encourage you to pray and willingly step up to this opportunity. You won’t serve alone! You’ll be surrounded with sisters and brothers in Christ, supporting and mentoring you. And of course, Jesus is right by our side.

If the Lord has given you a passion for His mission, He will equip you to follow through. Click here for more information. The Executive Committee is already praying for you. God has just not revealed your name, but He knows!

In His service, filled with His joy,
