We Are Family!

Heart to Heart Sisters at convention

With God there is no tribe or race; In Him we all are one.
He loves us as His children through our faith in His dear son.
Join hands disciples of the faith, what-e’er your race may be;Β 
Who serves my father as His child is surely kin to me.
In Christ now meet both east and west; In Him meet south and north.
All Christian souls are one in Him through-out the whole wide world.

LSB 653 v1, 4-5

young women at convention

I love it when little kids and big kids call me Auntie Kaye. I am either little sister or big sister to many. The hymn above gives me joy in those relationships. While serving as Vice President of Special Focus Ministries, I have felt such a family connection to so many people I have met from all over the country, from many cultures, and all ages. The LWML Convention in Mobile, AL, June 20–23 will be another opportunity for me to meet new family members, and to once again see those with whom I have formed relationships during past events. There is still time to register for the convention. Come and be part of our family reunion.

Click on the underlined words above to see more information about our cultural, young women, and youth outreach programs.

Kaye Wolff