
Service — The Time is NOW

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Two Minute Tuesday

Many will ask today, “Where you were on 9/11?”

And we will remember and share our stories.

I sew with a group of teachers, the Apple Patch Quilters. We present quilts to those in need of a caring touch — those who have a major illness or who have lost a loved one, and more quilts for those special, joyful occasions.

We recently completed a Quilt of Valor® to present to a veteran who fought overseas following 9/11. It is our small way to say, “Thank You!” and to let him know that we remember his service to our nation.

LWML Women in Mission can also remember those who have served or are currently serving in the military. Send a card or a care package, listen to their stories, honor their service with a donation to the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces (Mission Grant #3), and finally, remember to praise and thank God for their service and for their safe return home.

Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you (Deuteronomy 32:7).

Brenda Piester
LWML Kansas District President

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Take Your Concerns to Our Lord

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As I flew to Anchorage at the end of June, I engaged in prayer asking if continuing to go to Alaska to lead a VBS was God’s plan. You see, this was my seventh trip, but the last three years had shown quite a decrease in attendance. I was wondering if I was heeding God’s leading or if I was just going to Alaska to see the friends I have made and to enjoy the God’s beautiful creation and cooler weather.

God wants us to bring our concerns to Him. He told us. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6).

Attendance had not been my first concern in leading this VBS. In February I was down to 2 committed volunteers to go, and needed at least 3 more. As I prayed about that I suddenly had a total of 8 volunteers, two from just an hour away from the site.

God does hear our pleas. He knew we needed more than 5 volunteers. On the first Monday of VBS, 19 children showed up excited to participate. That was 3 times the attendance of last year! Then on Tuesday 23 showed up, and as the week continued we had 25.  The kids were excited and asked important questions. On Thursday a boy asked how many more days we had and the disappointment was obvious when I said, “Tomorrow is our last day.”  His response was, “We can just come Saturday, too, can’t we?”

My quote for our week in Ninilchik is, “God showered us literally and figuratively with blessings over and over!”

It is easy to focus on the numbers in attendance at LWML events rather than focusing on the blessings. 

Take your concerns to our Lord. He wants to shower us with blessings — and share those blessings with your LWML sisters.

Dianna Just
LWML Oklahoma District President

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The Potter and the Clay

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But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8).

I was always terrified to speak in public.  When I learned that I couldn’t get my college degree without a speech class, I almost gave up.  The Potter had other plans for me.  I took speech, prayed for courage and graduated! The Potter used this class to mold me.

I attended an LWML meeting.  I watched women working joyfully in ministry.  They welcomed and encouraged me to use my voice to proclaim God’s love for all. Guided by the Potter and surrounded by encouraging LWML women, I found joy in serving the Lord and using my voice to share the news of His love for us! 

Bonnie Karch
LWML Pacific Southwest District President

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2-Minute Tuesday 11-21-2017

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Is Thanksgiving a day on the calendar or a way of life? This year the Thanksgiving holiday will take on a different look or feel for all of us.  With all of the disastrous fires in the northern and western part of the U.S., the terrible hurricanes from Texas, the southern coast of the U.S. and Puerto Rico, and the awful tragedy in Las Vegas this Thanksgiving will have a new meaning.  The LWML motto of “Serve the Lord with Gladness” certainly holds true for those who can help. We of the LWML and the church will not be the only people that can provide aid to those who are suffering, but through us they will be seeing Jesus with skin on.   The help can take all forms but we know that our Lord is with us at all times and through all circumstances.

Praise and Thanksgiving to God! 

Ann Carrick
Iowa West District President

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Gifted To Serve

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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace … in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 4:10, 11b).

October is a month of remembrance. We have celebrated LWML Sunday. We will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in a few days! Lutheran Women in Mission, in its mission statement, in its vision statement, and in one of its primary focuses for the biennium, encourages women to use their God-given gifts in God’s service. Let us always remember that each one of us have gifts given by God to use to glorify Him. As you use your gifts to serve the Lord, remind and encourage others to do the same.

Marie Chow
LWML Washington-Alaska District President

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The Details

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“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

Do you think of God as being a part of every detail of your life or do you keep God in a little box where you can access him in times of need? Do you stress about details and think they are too small for God to mess with, because he might be busy with bigger things? We like to keep God in a box – where we can understand him, and how or where he works. But God doesn’t stay in our box!

In the book of Esther, God is not once specifically mentioned by name. However in Esther and her uncle Mordecai’s lives, God is working to bring about his purpose. As members of the Jewish community, in exile and powerless against the Persian Empire, I am sure Esther or Mordecai wanted God to work in a specific way (and quickly) inside the box they defined for him. They feared for their lives and the lives of everyone who were like them, and yet God made Esther queen and Mordecai a leader. Maybe you’ve never faced a life threatening situation in the way Esther and Mordecai did, but God is still at work in the details of your life.

As you prepare for your next LWML event or inviting a new woman to join your group, remember God is in the details and he directs where you are going. Have confidence that God is there working in the details! He has a plan for each and every detail.

Crystal Miller
Nebraska North District President
Growth and Development Committee, Chair

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What Does God Have Planned for You Today?

Two Minute Tuesday

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand (Proverbs 19:21).

I usually wake up in the morning with a list of things I want to accomplish, but sometimes I neglect to ask God what He wants me to do today.  When things don’t go the way I planned I get a little frustrated, but I need to ask myself is that God telling me “You’re not doing what I want you to do today”?  Instead of looking at changed plans as the devil working against you, think of it as God using you for HIS purpose.  Your day may not end up going the way you envisioned it, but I bet it will turn out even better because it is how God planned it!  Today look for ways to Engage, Encourage, Equip, and Enjoy your sisters in Christ and LWML. 

Diane Reimold
LWML Mid-South District President

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