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8/30/2020 Weekly article

The Time is Right — To Keep Learning

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18a).

Throughout the United States, children are returning to school for a new year. For some it will be their first time in a preschool or kindergarten classroom; for others it will mean moving from home to attend a college or university. Still others will home school or participate in a form of virtual learning. Regardless of the setting or the age of the students, the purpose of school is for students to learn, and to be able to continue learning, the knowledge and skills they will use throughout their lives.

What about you? Are you a lifelong learner? It may have been a few years (or quite a few) since you have participated in formal education, Sunday School, or confirmation instruction, but you can kickstart your education today and grow in grace and faith through the study of God’s Word. Select “The Word” from the drop-down menu at the top of this page to get started!

Ruth Badciong

8/26/2020 Prayer

Prayer for All of God’s People and for our Nation

Lord God, heavenly Father, we come to You at this time with concerned hearts for so many people across this nation. 

We ask that You will protect those who are in the path of Hurricane Laura as it comes on shore. There will be rain, wind, storm surge and flooding. People's lives will be in jeopardy. Please protect all people who are in harm's way. Please be with those who are working to keep people safe and will put their lives on the line to save those who are in dangerous situations. May this storm pass quickly.

We pray that You would be with those who are fighting the fires across this country. Thousands of acres of forest are being consumed by the raging inferno. Many people are facing the loss of property and livestock. Lives are at stake. We ask that You would protect the firefighters who are struggling to contain the fires. We pray that You would protect people and help calm their fears. We ask that You would comfort those who have lost loved ones because of these fires. We pray that You would allow the firefighters to gain control of the fires, that You would send rain to the affected areas, and that You would bring an end to this terrible situation.

We ask, dear God, that You bring peace into the cities that are struggling with racial unrest. There are valid concerns over discrimination in our country. Please work in the hearts of all people to help them see that Jesus came and died for everyone. Bring an end to the riots and destruction. Protect the innocent. Keep safe those who protect the communities. Bring those who have sinned to repentance. Let justice prevail over all.

We bring these requests and all the others in our hearts to You, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.



8/23/2020 Weekly article

Christ on Campus

In-person classes begin this week on the campus of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln (UNL), where LWML mite donations fully funded Mission Grant #14 “Hope and Healing Hub Downtown Lincoln – University Lutheran Chapel, Lincoln, Nebraska,” so that renovations could be made. The Chapel is now home to a counseling center, Concordia University Seward’s graduate courses, a worship center, and a place to fellowship and develop connections with the community and university students.

The facility has also been used for church-related events: an LWML zone rally, church retreats, Concordia University retreats, campus prayer meetings, and meetings for UNL pastors. “It's extremely rewarding to see people of all backgrounds flow in and out and know that they are receiving Jesus through this space,” said Rev. Rich Boring, grant administrator. We join him in thanking God for this mission opportunity! Read more here.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20).

Eden Keefe

8/16/2020 Weekly article

God's Majesty and Power

One of the privileges of being in northwest Oregon is living in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean. God’s amazing creation takes my breath away no matter how many times I’m blessed to visit. The crashing waves never stop pounding the shore, and watching them gives me a feeling of both astonishing strength and calm. The sound of the waves heightens my sense of majesty when I gaze out at the water.

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10). The ocean doesn’t stop moving, and God doesn’t stop working. His grace covers us and provides our needs. No matter what we’re facing in life, He’s in control, just as He is with the waves that roll in and out.

and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:10b). Thanks be to God for His creation! May I never stop marveling at His ocean. Click here to read a Mustard Seed Devotion, God’s Blueprint.


8/10/2020 Prayer

Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, Sr. LWML Pastoral Counselor, shares these prayers and asks you to pray with us:

Almighty heavenly Father, we give thanks to You that You care for the world each and every day. You never turn Your back upon us no matter how far we stray from Your way.

Today we come to You in humility, asking You to be with our nation in all the struggles which it is having. The unrest within our cities cause us concern. People’s lives are hurt, even to the point of death. Property has been damaged. Our hearts are not filled with Your love and care for one another. Forgive us our sin of not loving one another. We pray that Your Holy Spirit would help each one of us to see the importance of each and every individual that You have created. Help us to care for the needs of one another; the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Remind us that we are to show Your love to one another. Please bring peace and unity to our struggling nation.

The struggles deepen as we deal with this pandemic. We pray that You would help each one of us to understand and care for each other. Help us to accept each other and the decisions that we make instead of judging each other and condemning one another.

Dear Lord, we pray for an end to this pandemic. We pray for those who are ill with the Coronavirus. Give to them healing in a timely fashion. We pray for our communities that they might continue to rebuild in order to grow and flourish. We pray for our nation, that there may be unity and peace, as only You can give.

We ask this all for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


8/9/2020 Weekly article

Sweeter Than Honey

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103).

This week we celebrate National S’mores Day. Sticky and gooey, and loaded with sugar and carbs; they are nothing short of delicious. However, God’s Word is sweeter. We are able to survive without s’mores in our lives, but we need the sweet words of Christ’s grace to live eternally.

All LWML Mission Grants strive to share the sweetness of the Gospel. God’s words tell how our heavenly Father sent His Son to redeem us from the darkness of sin and how, through the Holy Spirit, we are brought to faith. Learn more about the LWML Mission Grants under the Missions tab and please consider contributing to support a message sweeter than honey.


8/2/2020 Weekly article

What Better Time …

This is a challenging and difficult time. But we are Lutheran Women in Mission and we know how to respond. Our vision statement says, “each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.”

What better time to be wholeheartedly supporting our mission grants than now? We are spreading the Gospel to those who have never heard. Look at the photos of each of our mission grants. Look at the joy on the faces of those who hear of the love and salvation of Jesus.

With many of us not having group meetings, rallies, or conventions, we might forget about mite offerings and the power of a penny. Remember Jesus’ last words in Matthew: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Check out the LWML Mission Grants to see how your mites spread the Gospel.



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