Say Yes to the Dress! This is probably one of the most popular shows for women on today’s TV. Females love weddings! You can get new women to attend your zone rally this spring by having a Wedding Dress Fashion Show using bride, bridesmaids, and flower girl dresses from the women in your zone. Encourage all women to participate! Once they are at the rally, spread the enthusiasm of Lutheran Women in Mission.
In God’s Word — A devotion on the wedding at Cana.
Mission — An ingathering of wedding-type presents for a women’s shelter.
Service — Opportunities to serve the Lord through the LWML.
Fellowship — Reception to share the joy that results from being women of the LWML and an opportunity to develop new relationships with your sisters in Christ. Hand out “With this Ring” Mustard Seed Devotions as favors.
Jan Simmons
LWML English District President