

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

The object of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of LCMS through mission education, mission inspiration, and mission service; and to gather funds for mission grants either directly sponsored or approved by LCMS boards or LCMS district presidents, especially those for which no adequate funding provision has been made in LCMS national or district budgets.


The districts — usually conforming to LCMS district boundaries — link individual members, local groups, and zones to the LWML. Districts initiate programs and projects as well as implement those of the LWML.


A zone is a group of local LWML groups and individual members in the same geographic area united to promote the object of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League — mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission grants.

LWML Local Groups and Individual Members

Local groups and individual members are the foundation upon which the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is built. The entire LWML program begins with participants at the congregational level.

The purpose of the Structure Committee is to: 

  • Keep the LWML Bylaws and related resources flexible while maintaining the legal status of the organization.

We stand ready and willing to assist your district, zone, or local group with bylaw questions. Just ask!

God bless you as we all work together to keep our bylaws and related resources flexible while maintaining the legal status of the LWML.

You may contact us by sending an email to


LWML Resources