
Telling Others

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19).

The season of Lent encourages us to focus on our lives with Jesus and to learn more of Him and His plan of salvation. There are many who do not know Godโ€™s plan of salvation. They do not know there is a God who loves them and cares for them. They do not know this loving God forgives their sins and welcomes them into His kingdom.

At the 2025 LWML Convention in Omaha, the delegates will choose mission grants to support during the upcoming biennium. The main criteria for each grant on the ballot is that it will spread the Gospel. With each mite donation we can be confident that the money will tell others of Godโ€™s salvation plan. Rejoice and give thanks that Jesus died for your sins. Rejoice and give thanks that your mite donations share the Good News.

To learn more about the mission grants on the ballot go to

Sharon von Qualen



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