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3/30/2025 Weekly article

Growing in Leadership, Love, and Grace

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land (Song of Solomon 2:12).

We eagerly watched for signs that spring was pushing winter into the past. Robins? Check! Dandelions (for the bees)? Check! Flowering trees? Check! Baby calves? Check! Kittens? Almost!

Zones are hosting spring events and will elect new officers to serve as leaders with other Lutheran Women in Mission. Have you been nominated for an office? Do you have leadership skills and wish to serve? Are you already serving and wish to hone your skills? Flowering LWML Leaders and Bloom and Grow are wonderful resources for encouraging and developing leadership skills. Other spring resources can be found on this website.

Speaking of spring — registration is open for the 2025 convention in Omaha where we will be Growing in God’s Grace with thousands of other Lutheran Women in Mission!

Happy spring!

Brenda Piester

3/23/2025 Weekly article

Telling Others

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19).

The season of Lent encourages us to focus on our lives with Jesus and to learn more of Him and His plan of salvation. There are many who do not know God’s plan of salvation. They do not know there is a God who loves them and cares for them. They do not know this loving God forgives their sins and welcomes them into His kingdom.

At the 2025 LWML Convention in Omaha, the delegates will choose mission grants to support during the upcoming biennium. The main criteria for each grant on the ballot is that it will spread the Gospel. With each mite donation we can be confident that the money will tell others of God’s salvation plan. Rejoice and give thanks that Jesus died for your sins. Rejoice and give thanks that your mite donations share the Good News.

To learn more about the mission grants on the ballot go to

Sharon von Qualen

3/16/2025 Weekly article

Object-ively Speaking: Reaching Out to Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

[God] desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4).

Looking for a resource to involve adults in group home settings or those who are a part of your LWML group? Looking to start a Bible class in your congregation for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Object-ively Speaking is a new, free, downloadable resource for these special children of God. In this resource, object lessons are applied to a Bible verse or Bible account to help people grasp and relate to important Bible truths.

Object-ively Speaking takes common objects including a calendar, a star, a candy cane, and items of clothing to help people understand the Triune God and His work in our lives. Each object lesson includes a coloring page for the focus Bible verse. These object lessons can also be adapted for use in children’s messages for children ages four–eight.

The first 10 lessons in Object-ively Speaking are currently in production. Watch for their availability in the coming months.

Diane Grebing

3/9/2025 Weekly article

“Growing in God’s Grace”

As promised in the Winter 2024 Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, registration is now open for the 41st Biennial Convention. The convention insert found in the Winter 2024 issue is packed with the plans and information for this convention.

The LWML Convention Programming Committee is praying that you will come to Omaha, Nebraska, for encouragement and inspiration to grow in grace to serve our Lord and proclaim His glory!

Come and hear how God is at work, be inspired to dig deeper into God’s Word, be nurtured to share the love of Christ with enthusiasm, and be encouraged to support missions and our mission goal with joy! Learn more and register at

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (2 Peter 3:18).

See you in Omaha!

Kathy Pavelock

3/2/2025 Weekly article

Scripture Journaling During Lent

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).

Ash Wednesday, which signals the beginning of Lent, is this week. This time in the church year we concentrate on our Savior’s sacrifice for our sins and culminating in the joyous resurrection on Easter. As a child, I did not enjoy the solemness of this season. It seemed the music was always sad and slow. I have since grown to love the words that express God’s great act of love and sacrifice.

Wanting to grow in my faith, I have since tried different ways to study God’s Word. A helpful tool offered by LWML is a Lenten journal to help you weave through the Scriptures and gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s love for us.

May your faith grow during this Lenten season.

Cheryl Mattil

2/23/2025 Weekly article

Plans to give you hope!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).

Does one of God’s plans for you include attending the 41st Biennial LWML Convention in Omaha? The convention theme is “Growing in God’s Grace”. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18 ESV).

Have you read about the convention plans?

  • Bible Studies
  • Worship Services
  • Mission Grant Selection
  • Mission Impact Luncheons
  • Mites in Action Speakers
  • Gifts from the Heart Ingathering
  • Bi-State Mission Walk
  • Servant Activities and Blood Drive
  • Exhibits
  • Tee Up 4 Mites Golf Outing
  • Shopping at the LWML Shop

And we are blessed to do all this with our sisters in Christ! To read more about all the plans click here. Convention registration begins March 1.

I hope to see you there!

Leslie Colligan

2/16/2025 Weekly article

Beautiful in God's Eyes

He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

As I write this article, I am wearing a cast on my right foot. It is boring beige, not a pretty purple. And I don’t feel very attractive. Have you ever felt the same? A fun sketch you may enjoy doing at your next Lutheran Women in Mission meeting is A Time for Beauty. The sketch reminds us that even though we may feel unattractive on the outside, God sees us as His redeemed child that is holy in His eyes because of Jesus. We may have a few wrinkles, gray hair, and less energy than we once had and yet we are precious and beautiful in God’s eyes. What a gift God has given us — we are His. Remember every day that you have been made in the image of God and He has redeemed you from sin and death. When God finished His creation, He called it good and so you are!

Arlene Naasz


LWML Resources