Growing in Leadership, Love, and Grace
The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land (Song of Solomon 2:12).
We eagerly watched for signs that spring was pushing winter into the past. Robins? Check! Dandelions (for the bees)? Check! Flowering trees? Check! Baby calves? Check! Kittens? Almost!
Zones are hosting spring events and will elect new officers to serve as leaders with other Lutheran Women in Mission. Have you been nominated for an office? Do you have leadership skills and wish to serve? Are you already serving and wish to hone your skills? Flowering LWML Leaders and Bloom and Grow are wonderful resources for encouraging and developing leadership skills. Other spring resources can be found on this website.
Speaking of spring — registration is open for the 2025 convention in Omaha where we will be Growing in God’s Grace with thousands of other Lutheran Women in Mission!
Happy spring!