
Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Spring 2025 "Freedom as Children of God"

Editor's Note

Spring 2025 LWQ cover

Spring is here! We have freedom to run and play and smell the wonderful outdoors God has created — if not today, then we know it will be coming soon. Winter bondage used to be called cabin fever, and the hectic, uncontrolled urges to do something, spring fever. Both fevers seem to take us out of our heads and put us in a world where self-control is absent. However, these fevers, nor freedom from bondage, aren’t limited to the winter and spring.

… that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (Romans 8:21).

During my husband’s illness this year, I have had much time to sit and observe several different forms of bondage that people experience. Some have been weighed down by the pronouncement of an incurable or debilitating disease, while others have experienced “the rug being pulled out from under” by the change of affections of a spouse or family member. Still others are weighed down by financial crises or legal issues.

In all of these situations, the thing I have seen that keeps us from being free — that holds so many in bondage — that corrupts the hearts of God’s children — is the lack of forgiveness. While we trust — or want to trust — that God is God and will take care of us, there seems to be a need to blame someone for the crisis at hand, for the “thing” that has happened, the words that were said, the hurt that was given. It doesn’t easily let us go. Unforgiveness only tightens the chains that bind us and keeps us in the corruption of selfishness.

Forgiveness does not change the situation or a person whose offended us, but it does change the heart of the one who forgives. Forgiveness takes away the fever of our emotions. Forgiveness allows us to praise God, giving Him the glory, and to realize that what once held us in bondage is now powerless because of the love, forgiveness, and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And then we — forgiven and forgiving — can truly run and play and smell and enjoy the freedom God has given us. Enjoy your God-given freedom!

Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief

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Stir up One Another in Love and Good Works

FALL 2025 (Submit by 4/1/25)
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).
After convention, how do you take home what you have learned and stir others to join you in mission? Can you encourage others to use their gifts and not expect them to serve the way you do? What examples have motivated, integrated, and activated you in service to the Lord?

Live in Peace with One Another

WINTER 2025 (Submit by 7/1/25)
Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you (Galatians 6:2).
How is it best to agree to disagree — and be loving and peaceful while you do disagree? When dealing with negativity, what can you say or do to bring comfort, peace, and positive energy to the situation? Can you respect and rejoice in the God-given differences you and others have?


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