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Growing Your Group

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All the Pieces of the Puzzle

My husband and I enjoy the challenge of jigsaw puzzles. We’ll spend an afternoon sorting and putting the pieces together to complete a beautiful picture. Occasionally, a piece is missing and the puzzle isn’t complete. It’s so frustrating to not have the whole puzzle come together.

Sometimes a Lutheran Women in Mission group is kind of like a puzzle with all the different pieces. You have someone who leads the meeting and someone who takes notes. You have faithful members who contribute their mite offerings and pray for the mission projects. Your service projects have been a blessing to many, but maybe you’re missing a piece or two. Do you need someone to send cards to shut-ins? How about someone to update the mission grant posters on the bulletin board? Maybe you need a team of three or four to manage the Mailbox Member program?

If your group isn’t complete, look to the women in your congregation to see if they can be the missing piece. They may have a skill that is just what you need or a desire to serve and just need to be asked. When you have all the pieces you need, your group of Lutheran Women in Mission is a beautiful thing.

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12).

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

New Things

Recently, Lutheran Women in Mission in Bedford, Mass., were faced with a problem. Several of their older members don’t drive at night anymore and weren’t able to come to their long-standing second Tuesday of the month evening meeting. Rather than going with the “we’ve always done it that way” mindset, the group members decided it was time for a change. They revamped their traditional model of evening meetings and moved them all to Saturday mornings or Sundays after church. This change not only allowed those who don’t drive at night anymore to come but also made it possible for some working moms to come and others who lived farther away to stay and join the group after church. They tried out some new activities, too. Faith journalling was a big hit, as was a Zoom Bible study with a favorite leader, Donna Snow, who lives far away.

Change isn’t always easy, but sometimes it is needed.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV).

Our God is the God of new things. We are made new because of Jesus. As Lutheran Women in Mission, we have the joy and privilege of sharing this good news with others and trying new things!

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Sharing Commonalities

Today, we encourage you to share faith stories. You can build relationships among group members by sharing life story experiences.

Below are possible conversation starters:

  • a memory from Sunday School
  • a prayer answered — even better than you desired
  • an unexpected blessing
  • a time God’s direction was evident in your work

Hearing stories from both young and experienced generations helps to develop and build spiritual relationships and may lead to meaningful mentoring.

And I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ (Philemon 1:6).

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

This is a Great Place to Be

The pastor at our church opens the weekly worship service with a few announcements. He usually begins enthusiastically with, “Good morning, this is a great place to be!” People are gathered to hear the Word of God, sing His praises, and grow in faith. It is truly a great place to be. 

What about our Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) group events? Do we enthusiastically proclaim, “This is a great place to be!”? What makes your LWML group events exciting? Perhaps the group has chosen a great Bible study from the LWML website; or maybe this month the group decided to meet at a local coffee house to support a hometown business; or maybe the group will volunteer or donate items for a local nonprofit organization. 

Promoting the event is important as well. It is recommended that you start two to four weeks in advance and publish it in a variety of ways. How can you make the invitation appealing? Did you include a contact person in case someone has a question? Emphasizing it as an event instead of a meeting might encourage more women to attend, and nothing beats a personal invitation. Who will you ask or call?  

As the group leader, it is not expected that you will provide all the enthusiasm. As others are included in the planning and inviting, the enthusiasm should grow — and grow your group — making your LWML event a great place to be, and especially so since you gather with sisters in Christ, and it is He who makes it great! 

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Ready to Serve and Celebrate!

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her (Luke 1:38).

In the Old Testament, God instructed the Israelites to celebrate their accomplishments whether it was their harvests, the Passover, or the return from exile. Lutheran women everywhere should celebrate all the gifts God has brought together as they Serve the LORD with gladness as Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML). 

This year’s Lutheran Women in Mission Sunday theme is “Ready to Serve” based on Luke 1:38. Throughout the years, Lutheran women have served the Lord through missions, sharing their faith, talents, and skills. That is why we celebrate Lutheran Women in Mission Sunday every year — typically on the first Sunday in October, but it can be celebrated on any Sunday.

The LWML SHOP helps churches celebrate Lutheran Women in Mission by providing a variety of free resources and products for purchase, such as bulletin covers, bulletin announcements, a pattern for creating a special banner, ideas for collecting mite offerings, as well as logos. Also included as free downloads are a sermon written by Rev. Dr. Dwayne Lueck and an entire worship service, including PowerPoint slides. We pray that these resources will make it easy for your pastor to highlight Lutheran Women in Mission Sunday. Please don't forget to show your appreciation for all of his hard work for this special Sunday and throughout the year!

Lutheran Women in Mission Sunday is an opportunity to reach out to women in your congregation by handing out brochures, mission grant bookmarks, or showing a Focus on Jesus video available on the LWML website. This special celebration can help grow your group by making others aware of the enthusiasm and great things happening with Lutheran Women in Mission

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Equipping the Saints to Serve

Another meeting. Another program. Another … and you’re out of ideas. A farmer knows if the same thing is planted in the same soil year after year, eventually the harvest yield decreases. A practice called crop rotation is done to rest and restore the soil. When this is done, the harvest yield increases. When an LWML meeting becomes routine, the enthusiasm and interest drop and eventually attendance goes down. But never fear, help is here! The LWML Christian Resource Editors produce doctrinally approved materials each biennium to help plan group gatherings.

Group leaders looking for programing ideas can find the 2023–2025 program planner, Equipping Saints to Serve, a great place to start. The planner is found on the LWML website under the tab, The Word/Program Resources or at Featured each month is a theme, Bible study with leader guide, and devotion. The devotion can be downloaded and read or listened to as an LWML On the Go Podcast. The entire 354-page planner can be downloaded and printed or you can print only the portion you need.

To take the routine out of your group event planning and to find a restored enthusiasm, utilize the many program helps found in the 2023–2025 program planner, Equipping Saints to Serve. May the Lord of the harvest bless your efforts.

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Subtle Look of Confusion

Several years ago, my husband and I attended storm spotter training. The training familiarized us with cloud formations and how to identify tornadic clouds. During the presentation, a slide with the letters “S-L-C” appeared and my mind shifted from listening to wondering what S-L-C could mean. After several more slides, my mind shifted back to the speaker as he said, “Scary looking clouds.” Then, I was able to make the connection that “S-L-C” stood for scary looking clouds, but in the meantime, I had missed several important points of the presentation. I am also sure my face displayed my own S-L-C in Subtle Look of Confusion!

Lutheran Women in Mission events can often have their own S-L-C moments and can be intimidating to a guest or a new member as they navigate through many unfamiliar terms, abbreviations, and acronyms. It takes time to become familiar with the Lutheran Women in Mission lingo. Repetition and patience can be helpful, especially when trying to encourage new member attendance.

At Lutheran Women in Mission events, take time to explain abbreviations and unfamiliar terms. When you communicate in bulletins or in-person, always communicate as though you are talking to a new member to avoid any S-L-C, Subtle Look of Confusion, moments.

If you have found yourself with your own S-L-C moments, visit the Lutheran Women in Mission Website Glossary for term definitions. And always be reminded that the greatest confusion solver is our Savior Jesus and turn to Him every time confusion arises.

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources


LWML Resources