LWML Toolkit Kits

LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.


Orphan Grain Train can use supplies for hygiene kits, school kits, etc. They also collect medical supplies and a variety of miscellaneous items. Please click here to go to the Orphan Grain Train web site for details.

Additionally, you may wish to include copies of My Very First Holy Bible from Concordia Publishing House


Lutheran World Relief collects personal care, school supply, baby care and fabric kits for distribution around the world.  Please click here to go to the Lutheran World Relief web site for details.

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Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.