Dear Servant Leaders,
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint(Isaiah 40:31).
Servant leaders do not want team members (and themselves!) to burn out, so look for ways to keep members energized for the task. First of all, the team should look to God’s Word to give renewed strength and encouragement for service, even in times of discouragement or disappointment. Perhaps all members of the team could participate in the same daily Bible reading plan or devotional booklet and then discuss their insights weekly or monthly. Encourage members to journal their thoughts and questions.
Servant leaders:
- Strive for a friendly atmosphere within the group. They are honest and set an example for team members to be honest as well.
- Enjoy each person’s uniqueness.
- Encourage team members to serve where they find enjoyment and can best use their gifts.
- Motivate, don’t manipulate. Use passion, not position.
- Keep lines of communication open and encourage questions.
- Pray to God asking Him to be with the members of your team, keeping them well and energized.
All team members should recharge by doing something they enjoy on a regular basis. Be creative. It can be writing, taking pictures, visual artistry, going for a walk, or just spending a few days with family or a friend.
Read the Leadership Tip: Staying Energized as a Leader for ways to keep yourself energized!
Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader