Dear Servant Leaders,

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

I haven’t always made the healthiest choices when it comes to taking care of myself. I notice that prolonged periods of unhealthy choices truly catch up with me and weigh me down. When this happens, I’m not at my best physically nor mentally. I am of little help to anyone! 

As servant leaders, we must take care of the gifts God has given us and glorify Him with healthy choices. As you evaluate your choices, here are a few healthy options to support your physical and mental wellbeing:

  • Pray. Pray daily for help with making healthy choices. Your body is a gift from God.
  • Get moving. Move for 30 minutes every day in a way that is healthy for you by stretching, chores at home, gardening, a few steps in the backyard, or a walk in the park.
  • Set a sleep routine. Set a regular schedule of sleeping and waking up that can work for the entire family. 
  • Hydrate. Incorporate water with every meal; spice your water up with ice and a squeeze of an orange or lemon.
  • Know your health numbers. Get an annual physical exam with your health professional and monitor yourself with blood pressure cuffs and the like.

We ask God to grant us the wisdom to make healthy choices for ourselves in order to serve others! For tips on improving your overall personal well-being, view Personal Development.

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader