two sisters

This story involves two sisters. Way back in 1995, I was matched with Victoria through a well-known national mentoring organization. At that time she was ten years old and we became fast friends. It wasn’t long before Victoria was attending church with me, bonding with the youth-group peers, and eventually being confirmed. In 2001 my husband and I were led to become her legal guardians and to have her come to live with us. So, the two people who had always agreed to be childless became parents of a teenage girl! Victoria especially loved the LWML ladies and always wanted to be involved in our projects. Victoria even served as the vice president’s page at the 2003 LWML convention in Oklahoma City and was a YWR to the 2011 LWML convention in Peoria. Today, she is happily married and living about one-hundred miles away. She is and always will be “our daughter.” Great story, right? But wait! There’s more!!!

During the early years of my mentoring relationship with Victoria, I would occasionally bring her siblings (two brothers and Veronica) to church with me. Usually this was for special things such as Easter and Christmas. One thing we all love at our church is Easter breakfast followed by an egg hunt and worship celebration. The kids always enjoyed it, too. Fast-forward now to about three weeks before Easter when I received a social media message from Veronica with questions about our church’s worship times and nursery availability. Veronica said she and her husband were planning to visit the following Sunday with their little girl! Visit they did and the next Sunday as well. Many people at our church remembered Veronica so it was just like one big family reunion! This young family eventually became members of our congregation. Veronica has mentioned more than once that she remembers coming to our church at Easter as a child and is very much looking forward to celebrating this coming Easter with us. Wow. But wait! There’s more!!!

On Easter Sunday, Veronica’s little girl was baptized! Yes! Baptized on Easter Sunday! Alleluia!

So, the moral of this story is that you just never know if, when, or how God might bring to fruition the seeds that you’ve sown. You might not even know that you’ve sown any seeds! Here we are, at least twenty years later and Veronica has been moved by the Holy Spirit to start attending the church she visited as a little girl. And, her little girl is now baptized. Now, THAT’S a story!

Candy Habich
Mid-South District


Let us not become weary in doing good,
for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

There isn’t a whole lot more to add to this verse, is there? Just try to remember it! The most insignificant, trivial act might plant a seed in someone’s heart that doesn’t sprout and grow until many years later. It’s the “at the proper time” part that is the focus. All things happen on God’s timetable, not ours. And, sometimes, as in this story, we are blessed to see the outcome. So, don’t give up!!!


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the times, like this one, where You allow us to see a glimpse of an outcome that only You could make happen. Thank You also for the gift of your Holy Spirit who, despite our human efforts, leads people to You. Please, Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts as well, so that we might be encouraged to share your word wherever and whenever we can. We also ask that You help us to trust You to take it from there! Amen.

We would love to hear YOUR stories! Please send them to the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here.

Thanks from the Gospel Outreach Committee!

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