women talking on bench

On my return home from the LWML Utah-Idaho District Convention I had only to say ‘absolutely’ as God’s blessing was so evident throughout this special time with my fellow traveler.

During my flight from Pocatello to Salt Lake I sat next to a woman and commented on her beautiful beaded earrings. We talked about what brought us to Pocatello. She was Native American and had come to take classes on tanning hides. We had great discussions about cultural foods, our families, life in rural Missouri, life in Southern California, etc. We also talked about why I had come to Idaho -- to attend the District Lutheran Women’s Missionary Convention -- and that led to her questions.

 “Tell me about this missionary, ladies group?” she said. So, I told her about how we try to help people around the world meet their physical needs, and to help them learn the truth about Jesus. I shared how women contribute through Mite Box offerings and that our mite goal for 2019 is over two million dollars.

She said, “Tell me what Lutheran’s believe.”

I said “Well. . .” while considering how to begin, but she continued, “Do you believe in grace?” To which I said, “Absolutely! We are saved by God’s gift to us. I certainly couldn’t be saved by what I might do.”

She said, “Do you believe in one God, the Father; Jesus, the son; and the Holy Ghost?” “Yes, yes!” I responded.

Then she said, “Do you believe that once saved, is always saved?”

 “Absolutely!” I replied. “God is love, He will not leave us. We are sinners and will sin again, but God is always there for us. His love and forgiveness are ours because Jesus died to save us and His forgiveness is a free gift.”

Then she said, “I haven’t been to church for a while. But I want to find a church that sings hymns and tells the true words from the Bible. Is that what you Lutheran’s do?”

Stunned by how the Holy Spirit was at work and all I had to do was respond, I replied, “Absolutely!” She told the message of the Gospel to me, and I only had to agree with her by saying, “Absolutely!” Isn’t it amazing how God is so active in our world? Absolutely!


Thoughts to consider:

What opportunities have you seen?

Is it easier to share Jesus with a stranger?

How can we be prepared to speak?

I doubt that we intentionally plan to witness each day, but God does plan. He places people and situations in our path. Be ready. Be optimistic. Be open. Be in prayer. The Holy Spirit is working daily to lead others to Jesus.

Now, for the rest of the story: My flight companion, from Pocatello, also asked me to pray for her husband who is incarcerated. Of course, I said I would and have been.

On my next flight I sat by a gentleman who asked me where I was headed. After I replied to a Lutheran women’s meeting, he said, “tell me what you Lutheran’s believe?” To which I simply replied, “Let me tell you a story about a woman who shared with me exactly what we believe.” This gentleman then told me he was headed to jail. After discussing this with him, he shared that his youth had been troubled and led him to do many things of which he wasn’t proud. After Jesus found him, he now goes to prisons and tells others about true salvation in Christ.


Dear Father, each of us, through Your guidance, is given opportunities through situations You have planned. Give us Your Holy Spirit that we may witness Your great love to others and share our faith in You, so that others may see Jesus and His gift of eternal salvation. In His name we pray. Amen.

Jennifer Huecker
VP Christian Life

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Thanks from the Gospel Outreach Committee!

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