“For [God] has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” This passage out of Hebrews 13 is one that I cherish. As a Professional Church Worker that promise from God means everything to me. Like Moses and Joshua [Deuteronomy 31] I count on His presence no matter where I serve or with what situation He presents me. I can be strong and courageous as God leads the way.
As much as this passage forms a cornerstone for my service in the Lord, I know that this promise is for everyone. God wants us to be confident in Him and to live in a way that reflects this truth. This may mean saying ‘yes’ to a new job or a move to a new town or a request of nomination for a position within your church or the LWML. Check out the Leader Development’s ‘Volunteers in Christ’s Ministry’ at www.lwml.org/developing-leaders. Be secure in His Word and courageous, for He has promised “I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Rev. Robert L. Mundahl
LWML Jr. Counselor