It usually happens on the way home from an LWML event, in the car or in the airport waiting for a flight - I have failed to thank or give a word of encouragement to someone who had worked very hard on some aspect of the event. More often than not, I will get home and the thank you card or email never gets sent. One of the core activities encouraged by The Time is NOW is "to identify and encourage a woman you know to use her gifts and talents in service to God." It's not easy in our hurried, busy world to take time to do this.
To give this encouragement I have to work harder at really looking and listening for the woman who needs a pat on the back or a few kind words. To recognize and affirm her in her service to God and His people I will try harder to write those notes, give a smile when she is presenting at the podium, send an email, post on Facebook, or tell her how she is making a difference. Above all, I will pray for her and thank God for His Grace and Holy Spirit which calls her to service.
Patti Ross
LWML President, 2015-2019