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Riding the Waves with Jesus

Responsive Reading on Trust, 3 pages.

Sometimes when the wind disturbs the surface of water as in hurricanes, typhoons, and floods, water can be a dangerous and fearful thing. Today, we will meditate on waves and how we can ride them out with Jesus, our Savior.

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Riding the Waves with Jesus

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King of Time and Eternity

Litany on “Relationship with God”, 3 pages.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen (1 Timothy 1:17 NIV).

Litany of praise and hymn for the Easter season.

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King of Time and Eternity

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All Things Work Out for Good

Advent by Candlelight program. 7 pages. 10 female readers.

This program celebrates how Christ arrived as promised to redeem mankind, and takes a closer look at the lives of the women mentioned in the family tree of our Savior. Their lives were filled with mistakes caused by impatience, sinfulness, regrets, hopelessness, discouraging circumstances, and consequences beyond their control. God’s Gospel of saving grace and mercy is evident in each of their lives. May we all recognize this same gift of grace and mercy at work in our lives this Advent season.

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All Things Work Out for Good: Advent by Candlelight program


What is an Advent by Candlelight program?

Advent by Candlelight programs are designed to help women keep their focus on Christ in the busy weeks of the Advent season. The program might include prayer, Scripture readings, songs, and a devotion or a sketch to help the participants reflect on the anticipated celebration of Christ coming in the flesh. The evening begins or ends with all the women singing a hymn such as “Silent Night” together by candlelight. To add a period of fun fellowship to the program, a dinner or dessert time can be included with tables decorated to create a beautiful ambience.


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Women of the Bible

Litany on Christian Living, “Relationship to God”, 4 pages.

Identify these women of the Bible, then respond with "Who am I?", a litany of thanksgiving.

Who am I? I am a rare and beautiful creation, a child of God, an heir of the kingdom! I am blessed beyond knowing, chosen to be His today and always!

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Women of the Bible


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A Week of Prayer Through Psalm 23

Prayer plan on Psalm 23, 1 page.

Follow the verses of Psalm 23 with the suggested areas of prayer. Add a section to your daily prayer routine each day throughout the week.

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A Week of Prayer Through Psalm 23


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As You Lead, Lord, I Will Follow

Song on “Relationship to God”, 4 verses. 1 page.

God is our Leader and Guide whom we will follow.

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As You Lead, Lord, I Will Follow


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An Easter Treasure Box

Short Program on Easter. 2 pages.

Many people are visual learners and are better able to remember and retell special events with the help of visual aids such as photos, pictures, or actual objects. This activity uses visual aids to recall the story of Christ’s Passion and resurrection.

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An Easter Treasure Box


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