
Winter Resources

From Advent to Christmas to Epiphany, along with New Year's and Valentine's Day … here are devotional resources and service ideas for you and your LWML group.


Bible Studies

Multi-Session Bible Studies

One Extraordinary Night — Based on Luke 2:8–14, helps you walk through the vivid colors of history to learn how God orchestrated that miraculous night that changed the world forever. Be transported to the shepherding fields near Bethlehem on that starry night. By Donna Snow. 5 sessions.

No Stranger in the Manger — Based on Matthew 2:2, 10–11. The Magi traveled many miles and months to find Jesus. Journey through this study to discover the wonder, miracle, and majesty of their search — Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah and Savior. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.

Short Bible Studies

God's Valentine to Us — Valentine's Day

Gold, Frankincense and Me! (Leader Guide and Worksheet) — Christmas, Epiphany, Mites and Missions

Resolutions — Epiphany, New Year

The Sweet Gospel Message with Leader Guide — Christmas

We Await His Coming — Advent, Christmas 

We Begin Anew — Thankfulness, Healing, New Year

What Do You Mean, Be Still? (Study & Leader’s Guide) — Advent

Bible Studies Featured in the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly

2018 The Shepherd’s Peace with The Shepherd’s Peace — Leader Guide

2018 Shh! Peace. Be Still. — Bible Study with Shh! Peace. Be Still. — Leader Guide

2017 Listen to the Sounds! with Listen to the Sounds! — Leader Guide

2015 The “Great ‘O’ Antiphons” and “Veni Emmanuel" with The “Great ‘O’ Antiphons” and “Veni Emmanuel" — Leader Guide

2012 Regarding Relationships with Regarding Relationships – Leader Notes

2010 Simply Jesus

2010 The God of Details with The God of Details – Leader Notes

2009 "Heart" Matters: A Look at Mary with "Heart" Matters: A Look at Mary – Leader Notes

2009 What would Joseph Say? A Study of the Earthly Father of Jesus

2006 Do You See What I See


Advent, A Time for Preparing — Advent, Christmas, Hymns

Advent Joy-A-Tude — Advent, Attitudes

Are You Ready? — Advent, Christmas

A Sweet Season — Joy in the Journey

Be Still — Advent, Christmas

God's Perfect Gift — Advent, Christmas

Got Joy?  — Christmas

He Comes to Our Arena — Advent, Isaiah

How Mary Prepared for the First Christmas — Advent, Luke

It’s a New Day — Christmas

Jesus, The Light of the World — Advent

Love Explained — Advent, Service, Relationships with others

New Beginnings — Trust, New Year

New Year, New You? (Colossians 3:16–17) — Comfort and Hope, Winter

Pilgrimage of Adoration — Christmas, Vocations

"Season of Light" — Epiphany

Shepherds Tell the Good News — Christmas

Simeon’s Song — Epiphany

The Old Barn — Advent, Families, God’s Love

The Perfect Gift — Christmas

The Priceless Gift — Christmas

Time Out — Advent, Christian Living

White as Snow — Baptism

Litanies/Responsive Readings/Short Programs

A Christian Reading on the Twelve Days of Christmas — Christmas, Bible Knowledge

Advent Biblical Treasure Hunt — Advent

Advent by Candlelight — Advent

All Things Work Out for Good — Advent by Candlelight program

Circle of Light (Program) — Advent, Christmas

Christmas in Our Lives: God's Love Reaching to Us and through Us — Christmas

Decorating the Mitten Tree — Christmas, Mitten Tree

Do You Know The Baby? — Christmas

From Manger to the Mount — Collection of six programs for seasons of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost

Message of the Christmas Tree — Christmas

On Our Way to Bethlehem — Advent, Christmas, Hymns

Our God is a God of Life — Pro-life

Sweet Christmas — Advent/Christmas Program

The Blessings of Christmas Today (Devotion/Program) — Christmas

The Pieces of Jesus’ Life — Christmas


A Personal Visit with Mary, Mother of Jesus — Personal Sharing

Christmas Wrappings — Advent

Hmmm, Christmas Joy? — Christmas

It’s a Boy! — Christmas

Our Gospel Light — Epiphany

Return to Jesus — After Christmas, Prayer

The Advent Wreath — Advent

The True Gift — Advent, Christmas

The Twelve Days of Circle — Advent, LWML

Crafts & Printables

Bible Journaling: Advent Devotional Template

Scripture Gift Tags (Assortment) — Use them on your gifts to share God's love. Attach them to a gift of baked goods, too!

Advent Scripture Chain — Share the message of Christ this Advent with a paper chain!

Christmas Ornaments (Assortment) — Share the message of Christ and the mission of the LWML with beautiful ornaments you make yourself! 

Scripture in Color — FREE Printables for you to color!

Christmas Notecards & Bookmarks (Assortment)

Christmas Notecards & Bookmarks (Assortment) in Spanish

Social posts graphics to share: The 12 Days of Christmas

Leader Development

Personal Development — Discover your spiritual gifts with this package that includes a Bible study, sketch, and discussion questions.

Developing a Personal Mission Statement — This resource will equip and engage you to write your own personal mission statement and may be used as group event activity.

Time Management — Helpful steps to manage yourself in a healthy, timely manner.

Service Projects

Sharing Jesus' Love in Action — Resolving to Act!

Every Life is Precious

Sharing Jesus' Love in Action — Making an Advent Wreath

Sharing God's Love on Valentine's Day. Extension: Feeding the Hungry.

Sharing Jesus' Love Through Action Calendar — A Year's Worth of Mission Service Activities

Birthday Party for Jesus

Make Christmas Cards for Refugees

Knit a Stocking Cap for those in Need

Send Valentines to Your Church Members That Are "Shut-In"

Make the Reverse Advent Calendar

Blessing Bags

Baby Shower for a Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Center

Gifts from the Heart Toolkits — LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. These kit lists are simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.


Don't forget to keep up to date with the monthly featured Program Helps, monthly Mission Service Activity, and monthly Mission Grant Resources!


LWML Resources