Here are some shareable images for you to use during the 12 Days of Christmas. Download them and post to your personal social media, or share them directly from LWML's Facebook page at

To save to your computer, right-click on the link and select "save link as."


A Partridge in a Pear Tree (Dec 25)

Two Turtle Doves (Dec 26)

Three French Hens (Dec 27)

Four Calling Birds (Dec 28)

Five Gold Rings (Dec 29)

Six Geese a-Laying (Dec 30)

Seven Swans a-Swimming (Dec 31)

Eight Maids a-Milking (Jan 1)

Nine Ladies Dancing (Jan 2)

Ten Lords a-Leaping (Jan 3)

Eleven Pipers Piping (Jan 4)

Twelve Drummers Drumming (Jan 5)