
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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March 2025

Showering Love on the Least of These

2023–2025 Mission Grant 30 β€” $100,000

older man exiting a trailer, holding towel and change of clothing.After a refreshing hot shower offered by Mercy Holistic Ministry (MHM) in their mobile shower truck in downtown Sacramento, sometimes the first shower in months! MHM also provides personal hygiene kits and clothing in addition to the shower.

Mercy Holistic Ministry (MHM) is a Sacramento, California, based organization, established in 2010, that provides dignified holistic services to restore and transform the lives of the homeless community in and around the city. Its ministry partners include various area LCMS congregations.Β 

In 2021, MHM purchased a two-stall shower trailer, literally bringing showers and the Gospel to the location of the homeless. Beyond showers, MHM provides personal hygiene kits, haircuts, clean clothing, and food to the people who come. They offer the opportunity to speak with someone who can pray for them, provide active listening, and give referrals to other services, such as shelters. Bibles and prayer books are shared.Β 

This grant will enable MHM to offer an additional day per week of service and to purchase and retrofit a mobile closet trailer for clean clothing and hygiene kit storage.

Resources for Grant #30

Large Print Resources for Grant #30

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February 2025

Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

God's Word for Central and South American Missions

2023–2025 Mission Grant 24 β€” $100,000

large group of children at Lutheran school in UruguayOver 435 million people in our world speak Spanish, and many of those men, women and children are still waiting to be introduced to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. One good example: These students of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Uruguay are 80 percent unchurched. LCMS missionary Rev. James Sharp has been thrilled to provide free copies of the Spanish-language A Child's Garden of Bible Stories, which they can take home to share with their siblings and parents.

Lutheran evangelism efforts are being intensified in countries like the Dominican Republic, Chile, and Uruguay. The need for Spanish language Bibles, Luther’s Small Catechism, children’s materials, devotions, and other resources is continuous. New pastors who are being trained to be missionaries and evangelists need to be equipped with materials that help share the Good News.Β 

This grant will provide for the translation and printing costs of approximately 25,000 books by Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF). LHF will distribute the printed books free of charge to people in Central and South America who live from week to week and have little to no savings. Even though economic or political conditions may force missionaries to come and go in these countries, they leave behind the Lutheran books which continue to teach for generations.

Resources for Grant #24

Large Print Resources for Grant #24

Updates and Articles

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Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry

2023–2025 Mission Grant 27 β€” $50,000

woman with two young girlsThe ESL (English as a Second Language) classes at Hope Lutheran have been a wonderful way to meet new Hispanic families in the community. In this photo, you see Shemilin from Guatemala, with her two children.

Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry, located at Hope Lutheran church in South Sioux City, Nebraska is building relationships with Hispanics in the Tri State border region of Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Pastor Henry Witte, the vacancy pastor, collaborates with and trains local congregations to meet the needs of their Hispanic neighbors and share the Good News of Jesus with them. Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry is supported by local churches and at least two districts in their outreach to the Hispanic community.Β 

This grant will give additional support for Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry outreach and will be used for English as a Second Language classes, citizenship classes, community outreach events, Spanish Bibles, catechisms, hymnals, and other resources, plus retreats, conventions, and special holiday meals. Β 

Resources for Grant #27

Large Print Resources for Grant #27

Updates and Articles

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January 2025

Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

A Legacy of Love for Special Needs Children

2023–2025 Mission Grant 23 β€” $100,000

old black and white photo of happy children running next to the school's brick sign "Lutheran School for the Deaf"In 2023, Lutheran Special Education Ministries is celebrating 150 years of serving God's children with special needs. They have a rich and full history which began as an orphanage for children after the Civil War, turned into Lutheran School for the Deaf, and has grown into Lutheran Special Education Ministries now serving children with all kinds of learning needs across the country and internationally.

One in five children in the United States has a learning need. Each child is unique, they all learn at a different pace, and some require different approaches to learning. Parents often must make the choice between public school that addresses their learning needs or Christian education that develops their spirituality.Β 

Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM) serves schools, churches, and families to advance the success of children who have learning needs by providing resources to benefit them in the classroom but also in their church communities. They have served God’s children with special needs for 150 years.Β 

This grant will allow LSEM to continue to develop and research tools and techniques so they can provide resources to Lutheran churches to welcome, integrate, and support children with specialized needs and their families in their church bodies.

Resources for Grant #23

Large Print Resources for Grant #23

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Growing Our Place: Care for Special Needs Students

2023–2025 Mission Grant 28 β€” $20,000

woman helping teen girl measure oil for bakingTerri Siebrass (left) and Heidi (right) measure ingredients during activity time at Our Place After School Care Inc.

Our Place After School Care (Our Place) is a caring Christian community for special needs students between the ages of 13 and 20 years old, who are unable to be safe when home alone and have aged-out of the Hastings area daycare facilities. Our Place benefited from the generosity of Faith Lutheran Church which provided space in its existing facilities for their operations.Β 

To expand the outreach and activities of Our Place, the Advisory Board recommended locating a new space to rent. A space has been located which will require little or no modification.Β 

This grant will serve as a funding bridge to cover the monthly rent, allow them to purchase software to open a store, and allow for scholarship aid to students.Β 

Resources for Grant #28

Large Print Resources for Grant #28

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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December 2024

Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church

2023–2025 Mission Grant 21 β€” $106,000

man standing at podium, presenting to many people in audienceLaunched at the Iowa District West Convention in the summer of 2022, Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb shares a personal testimony of his struggle as a young pastor and how he was helped by an LFS counselor who brought professional support and the love of Jesus to him at a time when he was at a point of potential ministry burnout. Dr. Lamb reminded the group that he β€” and most pastors β€” are really good at hiding their pain.

God directs the church to care for those He calls to serve in ministry. Church workers and their families regularly face unprecedented stress, challenges, and suffering which affects their physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There is an urgent need for the church to support and care for church workers.Β 

Lutheran Family Services is responding to this need by launching a campaign to fund expansion of their services to support church workers and their families beyond Iowa and into the greater Midwest. These professional services are provided on an ability-to-pay basis through support of individuals and congregations without funding from the Synod or government funding to not limit their Christ-centered ministry.Β 

This grant will help increase their ministry team of masters-level, licensed therapists who will provide marriage and family counseling that is Christ-centered.

Resources for Grant #21

Large Print Resources for Grant #21

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Life Connection Events and Kits

2023–2025 Mission Grant 26 β€” $70,000

pregnant woman holding sign: "God knit me together in my mother's womb"The sanctity of life is enjoying a higher cultural profile than ever before. This ministry represents a fifty-year effort in the wake of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade verdict.

The mission of Lutherans for Life (LFL) is to renew hearts with the Word of the Lord and to receive every human being as a sister or brother with whom we may share God’s everlasting blessings. Life issues like an unplanned pregnancy or a terminal diagnosis offer us mission moments.Β 

LFL has learned that youth and students gravitate toward activity-oriented involvement and have developed a framework consisting of two elements β€” namely, pilot events and "event-in-a-box" kits designed to intentionally connect young adults with seasoned local Life Teams, Life Chapters, and LFL pioneers. Participants will learn to conduct life-affirming education and service in their own neighborhoods.Β 

This grant will provide funds to support the outreach effort to young adults to encourage their involvement in LFL Life Teams and Life Chapters.

Resources for Grant #26

Large Print Resources for Grant #26

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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November 2024

Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

Tanzania Children's Homes

2023–2025 Mission Grant 19 β€” $74,500

group of people standing outside of St John Bingem Home of ChildrenIn July 2022, a group from St. John, Bingen (Decatur, IN) travelled to Tanzania to meet the pastors, deaconesses, church leaders, and children at the home they funded for their 175th anniversary.

The Tanzania Children’s Home welcomes albino children to offer security, care, and education. Albinism (limited melanin pigment in the skin, eyes, and hair) is especially prevalent in Tanzania. Children with albinism face health risks of skin cancer and visual impairment and are threatened by the pagan practices of the tribal religions that falsely teach their body parts have magical powers to make one rich, successful, and powerful. The home offers security and specialized care for the children that their families cannot provide and is located on the campus of the Lutheran Boarding School in Mwadui. They are raised in the knowledge and love of the Lord and are transported to the Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School for their education.Β 

This grant will help purchase a bus for safe transportation of the children and will contribute to the support of the children.

Resources for Grant #19

Large Print Resources for Grant #19

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Bringing God's Word to India

2023–2025 Mission Grant 25 β€” $100,000

group photo of around 26 men and women standing inside"The Lutheran Study Bible" translation project began at this meeting in South India in 2018. These are the translators who started working on the Tamil language translation.

Thirty-two million Christians living in India do not have access to a study Bible in their own language that has abundant, doctrinally sound study notes, and commentary to help in understanding God’s Word. The India Bible Translation Project’s mission is to publish the study notes and commentary from The Lutheran Study Bible into the Tamil and Telugu language.Β 

This grant will provide funds to complete the translation work. With The Lutheran Study Bible translated in their heart language, indigenous Indian pastors, seminarians, and members of Lutheran churches in India and Sri Lanka will be better able to understand and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Indian Lutheran Study Bible will be a great blessing to the members of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church and Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sri Lanka.

Resources for Grant #25

Large Print Resources for Grant #25

Updates and Articles

Mission Grant disbursement update β€” Check Presentation: "Bringing God's Word to India"

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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