Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!
God's Word for Central and South American Missions
2023β2025 Mission Grant 24 β $100,000

Lutheran evangelism efforts are being intensified in countries like the Dominican Republic, Chile, and Uruguay. The need for Spanish language Bibles, Lutherβs Small Catechism, childrenβs materials, devotions, and other resources is continuous. New pastors who are being trained to be missionaries and evangelists need to be equipped with materials that help share the Good News.Β
This grant will provide for the translation and printing costs of approximately 25,000 books by Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF). LHF will distribute the printed books free of charge to people in Central and South America who live from week to week and have little to no savings. Even though economic or political conditions may force missionaries to come and go in these countries, they leave behind the Lutheran books which continue to teach for generations.
Resources for Grant #24
- Mission Grant Story
- Bulletin Byte (Word doc)
- Bulletin Insert (half page insert, 2 per page)
- Devotion
- Prayer Guide
- Zoom Background (JPG)
Large Print Resources for Grant #24
Updates and Articles
- Mission Grant disbursement update β Videos from Lutheran Heritage Foundation
Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.
Donate to the LWML Mission Goal
Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry
2023β2025 Mission Grant 27 β $50,000

Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry, located at Hope Lutheran church in South Sioux City, Nebraska is building relationships with Hispanics in the Tri State border region of Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Pastor Henry Witte, the vacancy pastor, collaborates with and trains local congregations to meet the needs of their Hispanic neighbors and share the Good News of Jesus with them. Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry is supported by local churches and at least two districts in their outreach to the Hispanic community.Β
This grant will give additional support for Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry outreach and will be used for English as a Second Language classes, citizenship classes, community outreach events, Spanish Bibles, catechisms, hymnals, and other resources, plus retreats, conventions, and special holiday meals. Β
Resources for Grant #27
- Mission Grant Story
- Bulletin Byte (Word doc)
- Bulletin Insert (half page insert, 2 per page)
- Devotion
- Prayer Guide
- Zoom Background (JPG)
Large Print Resources for Grant #27
Updates and Articles
Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.