It’s 2016, a special year. It’s a Leap Year! There is one extra day to spend serving God. What will you do with that day, and with every day God grants you this year?
Have you considered going on a mission trip? LWML groups offer great opportunities, some which may be a little (or maybe a lot!) out of your comfort zone. They are life-changing events and enable you to live out Jesus’ directive in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel.”
LCMS Missions, Lutheran Hour Ministries, and MOST Ministries also offer so many possibilities: VBS, Mercy Medical, construction, even prayer teams! Visit the sites to find an opportunity that interests you. If a mission trip is not a possibility, please continue to collect Mites for the 2015-2017 Mission Grants and support missions around the world.
God has given you the blessing of salvation through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus! Let’s make 2016 a year of sharing this message and ourselves whether it is here or abroad, as we Serve the Lord With Gladness!
Leslie Jaseph
Meeting Manager