As I read our Goal Statement for the 2023 LWML Convention, “As His children, we celebrate the Lord of the nations,” the word celebrate grabbed my attention. Who doesn’t love a celebration! An opportunity to celebrate OUR LORD will be in Milwaukee, June 22–25.
There will be many ways to celebrate at the convention. Worship services with thousands of LWML members and friends, opportunities to hear from missionaries sharing their passion and celebrating their work, networking and celebrating with LWML members from across the nation, participating with other women in servant events, and celebrating with entertainment!
Many of you have attended conventions in the past. Many of you have friends and fellow LWML members who have never attended a convention. Now is the time to encourage them to register for the 40th Biennial LWML Convention and book their accommodations.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man (Psalm 33:12-13).
Gayle Thanepohn, President
LWML Northern Illinois District