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Heart to Heart and District Bylaws

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

Possible Ways to Incorporate the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program and the Heart to Heart Committee into District Bylaws

To include a Heart to Heart Committee in district bylaws, first decide where the committee will fit into the district’s structure. Will this committee be under the direction of one of the vice presidents (Special Focus Ministries, Gospel Outreach, etc.), or will it be a separate committee reporting directly to the board of directors or to the president? This will determine where in the bylaws you will place the committee. Review the duties of other district committees, such as the Committee on Young Women, and use a similar approach for this new committee.

Next, decide the duties of the committee. They can be as general or detailed as the district desires. Here are some possibilities:

Possibility #1:

The Heart to Heart Committee shall encourage women leaders in ethnic ministry.

Possibility #2:

The Heart to Heart Committee shall:

a) encourage women of diverse ethnic backgrounds who attend district LCMS congregations to become active participants in the LWML; and

b) be responsible for the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program at the district convention.

Possibility #3:

The Heart to Heart Committee shall:

a) be directly responsible to the Vice President of ____ (insert office title specified by your district);

b) encourage women of diverse ethnic backgrounds who attend district LCMS congregations to become active participants in LWML; and

c) be responsible for the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program at the district convention.

If uncertain about the placement or appropriate phrasing for this committee, ask the LWML Structure Committee to check what you are doing when the proposed amendments are sent for review.

Refer to the publication Formatting Proposed Bylaws Amendments on the LWML website for guidance on submitting the amendments.


View printable PDF of this article Possible Ways to Incorporate the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program and the Heart to Heart Committee into District Bylaws.

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Heart to Heart Sisters District Program Manual

cover of Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations District Program Manual

The purpose of the Heart to Heart (H2H) — Sisters of All Nations Committee (H2H) is to facilitate an intentional effort to welcome and encourage multicultural women to participate in the life and work of the Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML).

This manual was created to be a resource for you as you work to build a successful district Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Committee. Included in this manual is background information about the LWML and the Heart to Heart Program, as well as strategies and resources that you can use as you work with multicultural women leaders and LWML women in your district.

Download the printable PDF of this manual

Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations District Program Manual updated 2023

Download the Word document version of this manual

Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations District Program Manual (Word doc) updated 2023

This manual of helps to develop an LWML Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations District Program includes:

  1. Benefits of a District Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program
  2. Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations District Leader Guidelines
  3. How to Locate Multicultural Ministries in Your District
  4. Sample Telephone Script for a Conversation with a Pastor of a Multicultural Congregation
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program
  6. Tips for Making Cross-Cultural Friendships
  7. Appendix
    1. Suggestions to District Presidents for Including a Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program at the District, Zone, and Local Level
    2. Sample Letter from the LWML District President to the Zone Presidents
    3. Guidelines for Leading a Heart to Heart District Committee
    4. Communicating Your Best: Tips for a Professional Presence
    5. Ideas for Sharing the Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program at District Conventions
    6.  Suggested Program for Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations at a District Convention
    7. Agendas for Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Programs at District Conventions
      1. Short Program for Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations at LWML District Conventions
      2. Long Program for Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations at District Conventions
    8. LWML Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Program EVALUATION
    9. District Convention Report for Heart to Heart Programs
    10. Bible Studies for Use with Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Programs or Presentations
      1. BIBLE STUDY 1: Cultural Awareness
      2. BIBLE STUDY 2: Sisters and Sisters of the Heart by Anita Beyersdorf, Past LWML Michigan District President

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Presentation for H2H Sisters District Leaders

At the 2019 LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama, Marilyn McClure was invited to be the presenter at a banquet for Heart to Heart Sisters District Leader trainees and their district presidents. At the invitation of the 2019–2021 national Heart to Heart Sisters Committee, she created two educational videos based on her presentation. 

In 2001, the Gospel Outreach Committee, of which Marilyn was a member, was asked by then-LWML President Virginia von Seggern to develop a program to ensure that women of all ethnicities could feel welcome and participate in LWML. This was the beginning of the Heart to Heart Sisters program.

Marilyn and her husband, Rev. Garry, served as missionaries in Guatemala for many years. She is fluent in Spanish and upon their return to the States, she was a bilingual teacher. She has served the LWML in many positions on local, district, and national levels. Marilyn is a strong advocate for an inclusive Heart to Heart Sisters program, inviting all women to participate in the mission of the LWML.

Two video segments are available for viewing. They offer insights, encouragement, and assurance for those who are building an intentional Heart to Heart Sisters program on the district level. 

Segment 1: Mentoring and the LWML Culture

Discussion Guide for Segment 1: Mentoring and the LWML Culture

Segment 2: Sharing Our Concerns, Learning from Our Mistakes, Growing Together

Discussion Guide for Segment 2: Sharing Our Concerns, Learning from Our Mistakes, Growing Together

Heart to Heart Sisters: Atlantic District

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

Heart to Heart Sisters in the Kingdom of God

Linda Guteres
LWML Atlantic District President 2018–2022

The Heart to Heart Sisters Committee contacted LWML Atlantic District President Linda Guteres to ask her to share how her district embraces the Heart to Heart Sisters program. These are her reflections and the reflections of some of her leadership team members.

When you look through the beautiful lens of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Atlantic District (LWML AD), you see a stunning mosaic of people glued together by their faith as they work guided by their Leader Jesus Christ. Each uniquely created, God-gifted woman brings her similarities and differences to be shared and appreciated. While this is not always easy, it is rewarding as we work, side by side, for the same goal of service in God’s Kingdom.

Like in many cities and metropolitan areas, there are pockets of culture-specific neighborhoods. Within the Atlantic District, which encompasses the eastern half of the state of New York, we have many of these pockets densely packed together. By God’s design, this unintended, yet unavoidable, intersectionality gives our district an advantage to contribute to and participate in God’s work in many and various ways. Our district LWML is a “joy-filled” group of women who help all believers be disciples for life as we engage the world with His Gospel of Hope. 

Perhaps what is most surprising is how the diverse sisters within the LWML Atlantic District find points of commonality with each other. One member of our district board commented, “Because the LWML AD is so diverse, we truly get to know our dear sisters in Christ when we gather for activities and catch up on each other's lives. We see that each culture has the same problems and joys as the others.” 

As sisters in Christ, we love and serve the One True God. When we meet together, we recognize our diversity and value our unity in Jesus Christ. The Heart to Heart Sisters (H2H) program is all about assisting women to be united in Christ. H2H helps those who might feel separate or alone to feel included and valued. This connection happens among people who look different on the outside, as well as those who look at things from different perspectives. By interacting with one another and learning to value our varying backgrounds and perspectives, we develop deep friendships and partner together in sharing the Gospel. Our new eyes help us see people differently and bring the blessing of connecting as the family of God.

Another sister writes, “From what I have observed as a woman, a Deaconess, a Heart to Heart sister, and as an LWML woman, this is what sets us up differently. We are able to share our history and struggles. When we share our experiences, we build connecting bridges allowing someone who may feel like an outsider to draw nearer. Everyone is accepted. Everyone is valued. It is our job as women of the LWML to be open and welcome all those who may appear different and share the same gift of God’s redeeming love with them.”

Another sister stated, “We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We also respect each other’s opinions whether we agree with them or not.” We might not all eat the same foods, speak the same languages, or dance the same dances, but we are connected in our relationships and in our friendships.

Over and over again we have been pleasantly surprised by what we have in common with other women. Being able to share our experiences with diverse people from many cultures who do not judge or criticize, creates a common ground on which we stand together in the Lord. One member writes, “If you cannot think of a shared history or struggle, then create new experiences and have a blast learning together. This is the beauty of New York, the LWML, and being a Heart to Heart advocate.”

Linda Guteres, LWML Atlantic District President 2018-2022


All photos provided by the LWML Atlantic District and used with their permission.

View printable PDF of this article, Heart to Heart Sisters in the Kingdom of God

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Margo Dupre, a Heart to Heart Sister’s Reflections

LWML sister Margo Dupre spoke recently on KFUO’s Coffee Hour highlighting her involvement with the LWML and how she received encouragement and leadership development especially through the Heart to Heart Sisters program. Listen to Margo’s interview here or use the audio player below.


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Heart to Heart Event Planning

How to Organize a LWML Heart to Heart Sisters Event in Your Area


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From One District President to Another

Serving together as Lutheran Women in Mission with our Heart to Heart Sisters: A district president's joy in multicultural sisters.


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View next video in Heart to Heart series: Mentoring Heart to Heart


LWML Resources