Mission Servants Activity of the Month
Support Our Military Personnel, Chaplains and Our Veterans!
Through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod there are many ways to do this.
The LCMS encourages congregations to reach out to military families in the following ways:
Pray for our troops.
Recognize veterans in your congregation at least once a year.
Celebrate and remember our nation’s military veterans, service personnel, chaplains and families.
Assist your congregation in becoming an Operation Barnabas Chapter. These chapters meet monthly around the specific goal to actively engage military members in your community. Through volunteerism and the leadership of this chapter, group members actively serve in your community and share the love of Christ with those who have borne the burden of defending our nation. Operation Barnabas will help train and assist local congregations in their care and support of local military members and their families and veterans.
Financially assist The LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces (MAF). They support almost 200 chaplains, who represent the church on active duty, the reserves, the National Guard, and Civil Air Patrol. Chaplains meet the needs of military personnel and their families. MAF is seeking funding (a $5,000 grant) to be a part of the HEROES Care network. It is a nationwide organization that reaches out to Veterans, Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Forces. HEROES Care is a robust and ‘in-depth’ organization. The organization provides a network of housing repair professionals, auto mechanics, emergency funding, and a catalog of counselors. In addition, corporations donate toys, clothing, job counselors, furniture and even hotels that assist homeless veterans. HEROES Care also has access to military bases, USAR facilities and legal agreements with some State National Guard facilities. They are recognized by the VA.
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The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!