LWML district leaders are in the process of making tough decisions about canceling or postponing their conventions due to COVID-19. I have no doubt the conversations are full of angst, just as ours in the Louisiana-Mississippi District were, as we wrestle with God’s will for us.
I noticed common themes among their announcements of decisions: we rejoice always, we are not fearful, and God is in control. Why do we rejoice? Because we know God is glorified when we put Him first in our decisions. We are not fearful because we have faith in Jesus, and we know that God has this.
Do other people see this in us? Are we beacons of light for others, showing them the love of Jesus? I am reminded of a hymn whose lyrics include a phrase about God sending stars to give light to the world and how the star of my life is Jesus.
On the LWML website, there’s a section containing Spring Resources. One is a devotion, “Bloom and Grow!” Its uplifting message reminds us to be in the Word “so that the seeds of modeling God’s love that you drop are pure, strong, and seen by others.” The world is watching, so remember to be that beacon of light that shows the way to Jesus.
Anita Granger, President
LWML Louisiana-Mississippi District, 2016-2020