Two Minute Tuesday

Our zone’s spring event focused on celebrating 80 years of LWML. The zone president and host group president dug into our archives. Some of the found details seemed humorous, such as, refreshments were “limited to only two things such as coffee and coffee cake or rolls.” A far cry from what we do now! Although we chuckled at that, we took time to reflect and determined that they may not have wanted to create a time or financial hardship for the member whose turn it was to provide the refreshments.

As we look on our past and look forward to our future LWML journeys, are there things we could do in our groups to be more welcoming and respectful of a woman’s time and situation? I encourage you to make those changes. Let’s give some thanks and recognition to our LWML historians. It is great that we have those who give their time and talent to preserve our history. It is important and wonderful to reflect, looking back at the pictures and notes from our 80 years of being Lutheran Women in Mission! LWML provides historians guidance, and a wealth of information can be found here: Let’s learn from history so we can continue to serve the Lord for another 80 years.

Jane Morris
LWML Iowa West Past District President