As I contemplated celebrating 80 years of LWML in 2022, I pondered the history of our iconic Mite Box. I found a Mite Box Timeline which illustrates the progression from the original box in 1942 to today. Of course, there is the Biblical basis for the name:
And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on” (Mark 12:42-44).
Then, I remembered a sketch I wrote for our group’s celebration of LWML Sunday in 2018. It illustrates how a young woman is impacted through finding her grandmother’s Mite Box. That became The Mite Box Legacy sketch. I pray you will find it useful and entertaining!
Candy Habich
LWML Mid-South District President