Who are the people in your neighborhood?

LWML is a wonderful, Christ-centered, serving-joyfully neighborhood. When I think of my personal Lutheran Women in Mission neighborhood, I remember all the women in Kansas who served alongside me for the past 20 years. Each one a mentor as they shined the light of Jesus love while they “Served the Lord with Gladness”.

Lois, the District President at my first convention. Jean, who asked me to serve on the PR committee, where I met and learned joy-filled serving from Becky. Judy and Betty both lead with grace. A few others‒Kim, Debbie, Brenda, Gloria, and many more‒all servant leaders who helped me to grow along the way and might not even know. The M&M’s (Mary and Marlene) who brought laughter to LWML history, mites and serving. Young Women Representatives who touched my life as we shared national convention experiences.

My neighborhood has now expanded to the Pacific Southwest and there are new mentors stepping into place. The greatest thing about the Lutheran Women in Mission neighborhood is that it grows with each serving experience.

In honor of your own neighborhood, please consider contributing during the Lutheran Women in Mission September to Remember campaign on September 12.

Karen Morrison