Thanks to Karen
God wisely chose Karen Avenson to serve as LWML Texas District Capitol Zone President in the fall of 1992, and I had the privilege of serving alongside her as secretary-treasurer.
Since our zone was very large, two delegates were sent to the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, LWML Convention in 1993. Our zone's rules at the time stipulated that, along with the president, the secretary-treasurer would attend LWML conventions, serving as the second delegate. I was privileged to attend this pivotal convention with Karen and learned so much.
Throughout our terms, Karen mentored me in her kind, calm, and quiet manner, enabling me to learn my responsibilities and grow in my leadership skills. She taught through example and encouragement, and by delegating tasks in a loving and patient way. Karen made doing LWML work a blessing and a joy for me. She and I have served together on other projects over the years, and she still serves as an advisor to me as needed.