“Be Prepared” is the motto of boy and girl scouting around the world. Sir Badon Powell
(founder of Boy Scouting) was asked: “Be prepared for what?” His response was “Any old
thing.” As Christians, we should also be prepared for any old thing — any challenge that God
puts before us, or any job God gives us to do. After all, throughout the Bible, God was always
prepared. First and foremost, we should seek God’s grace and follow His example.

How do we prepare ourselves for the Lord’s work? We must take time to study His Word. We
must pray and ask for God’s help to put the right words in our mouths or to give us direction
on how to manage a difficult situation. God is always willing to help us if we just ask for His
guidance and then listen to it. As Matthew 7:7a says, “Ask, and it shall be given to you.

Dr. June Merwin
Lutheran Women in Mission
New England District President