“Silence!” and “Be Still!” are strong, demanding commands. But some commands are blessings, such as “Silence is Golden” and “Be Still and Know that I am God.” With so much noise around us every day, everywhere we go, it is difficult to know where to focus our attention or who or what to believe.
One thing is certain and can be trusted in the midst of all the noise: God’s Word, the Bible.
I prefer silence to the noise of the world, but when I discovered the talking Bible on my phone’s LWML App, I found a way to fill the silence with something meaningful and dependable — the Word of God. One- and two-year plans to read through the Bible don’t work for me. However, as I listen to the Bible being read to me as I drive, it allows me more time to be in the Word and gives me the opportunity to forget the noise of the world and focus on God’s plan of salvation.
Margaret Kistler, President
LWML Iowa East District