Hello, Spring!
Spring began last week. It’s the season when weather vacillates — today it can be 28 degrees with a blizzard, and tomorrow we may experience sun, 80 degrees, and calm winds. Crocuses, hyacinths, and daffodils are peeping through. Dedicated gardeners planted their potatoes on St. Patrick’s Day.
It’s the season of new clothes. It’s the time spring fashions appear, and we consider purchasing something in a new color or style. The children and grandchildren have grown and need new clothing for Easter.
This is also the church season of Lent. It’s the time to contemplate what our Lord did for us on the cross. Through His sacrifice on Good Friday, we have salvation. Through His Easter resurrection, we have hope.
What do spring gardens, new clothes, Lent, and Easter have in common? LWML has resources for these topics! Go to www.lwml.org/spring for dozens of devotions, Bible studies, sketches, crafts, and mission service activity ideas.
Dear Father, bless Lutheran Women in Mission as they learn of Your love and grace through these resources. Amen.
Happy Spring!
Brenda Piester
LWML Kansas District President