Have you struggled with “finding” time each day to set aside for actively being in God’s Word? Do you often think that you have to tend to one more task first? However, there will be no better time than NOW to find the time; to be in God’s Word first.
What does God’s Word mean to me? How do I apply it to my daily life? I have determined to start with a steady, every-day-doable pace, realizing that it doesn’t have to be spectacular. I have started waking up a little earlier each day and reading my emailed devotions and looking deeper into the supporting Scripture readings. I pick one or two thoughts, sentences, or verses and write them down on an electronic document so that I can access it wherever I am, and strive to apply it throughout the day. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds (Psalm 77:12)
There is an undeniable peace in knowing I have started the day with my heavenly Father. … the Lord hears when I call to him (Psalm 4:3b). Perhaps The Time is NOW to start your day in God’s Word!
Nancy Bogenhagen
LWML Vice President of Communication, 2013-2017