Do You Take Time to Rest?

So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation (Genesis 2:3).

Do you take time to rest? Or is your life hectic day after day? God wants us to rest; He set the example and rested from His work. We are to do the same.

Our grandchildren enjoy doing crafts. On a recent day off from school, we gathered to try our hand at painting flowers. Art galleries are not clamoring for my efforts. Yet it was a very restful, relaxing time. On our LWML website are many craft ideas click here. Use one of them or come up with one of your own and take time to do something fun. Enjoy letting your mind and body relax; invite a friend or family member to rest with you. End your time with devotion and prayer. May your time of relaxation rejuvenate you as you continue to serve Him.

Arlene Naasz