Lutheran Woman's Quarterly โ€” Communication and Mission Tool

LWQ covers

The official publication of the Lutheran Womenโ€™s Missionary League (LWML), the Lutheran Womanโ€™s Quarterly, is a valuable method of communication. It is also a powerful mission tool. Sheila Lutz, Quarterly Editor-in-Chief, recently shared with district presidents ideas for using the Quarterly as a mission tool. Here are few of her suggestions:

  • When a subscriber is through reading her issue, she can share it with someone โ€” a friend, another woman in the church, a non-Lutheran woman, or a pastor.
  • Some ladies have shared Quarterly issues by asking if they could put them in the racks at doctor or dentist offices. Consider leaving a copy at hair and nail salons.
  • Information shared through stories can spark ideas of how readers can become more involved in missions โ€” new ones or in different ways.

Consider how you can share your issues of the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. If you are not currently a subscriber of the Quarterly, visit to sign-up and begin sharing today!

Kathy Pavelock