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Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”— and that he had said these things to her (John 20:18).

We tell of things we have seen and witnessed: the account of a wildfire in our backyard, the miracle of birth, and other memorable events — none more memorable than Mary Magdalene’s. Imagine going to the tomb, expecting to see the dead body of the Lord, and instead He is alive and talks to you! This week the church remembers Mary Magdalene. Mary had the joy of seeing the risen Lord on Easter morning. What a witness account to tell the disciples!

The Easter narrative is retold repeatedly, a message the world needs to hear. Our LWML Mission Grants tell the Good News of the risen Lord. Learn about our new grants on the LWML website: mission grants. Support them with your prayers and contributions, and tell others about them.
