Called to Serve!

In August, the LWML Board of Directors met in St. Louis to prepare and plan for the new biennium. What an exciting time as we prayed for the Lord’s guidance to select women He had already chosen to serve Him for the next two years! Committees and their chairmen were appointed, and we praised God for the women who said, “Yes! I’m honored to serve the Lord with gladness!”

As LWML Women in Mission let us share with each other the opportunity to be in the Word and encourage her to use her unique gifts in God’s service. Let each of us, by God’s grace, strive to make a significant difference in the lives of all people. As servants of the Lord let us help women in our congregations to grow in their relationships with others so they can help them know forgiveness, life, and salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Now in September, as you plan events in your local group, help is available with new resources here on the LWML website. A Missionary? Me? presents real-life, non-scripted stories, written by women serving in the mission field. Study how Jesus not only leads, but carries these women through many difficult challenges. Check out Where Love Abides, an 8-lesson DVD Bible study based on John 15:1–17. Written by Donna Pyle, this study takes an in-depth look at what it means to abide in Jesus, the True Vine, to bear lasting fruit.

Angelina Jauregui