Lutheran Women in Mission, what does this mean?

Lutheran Women in Mission, what does this mean? Sounds like a good Lutheran catechetical question to me. The answers are as diverse as the women in the LWML.

nullOur mission reaches far beyond all the busy tasks of being in an organization. Individually and collectively we offer ourselves to do the work of the Lord in our homes, congregations, communities, and worldwide. Our mite offerings help to supply the needs to mission grant recipients who then share the Gospel with others. Participation in many ministries is not only financial. It involves our prayerful support of their efforts to bring Christ to people worldwide. We are part of the team.

The LWML Mission Grants committee has provided on the website at stories, devotions, prayers, bulletin information, and Facebook postings for the current 19 mission grants. We encourage you to use them as a way of getting to know your fellow teammates in the mission field. Connect directly with the recipients by going to their websites for more specific information about their ministry and possible ways to personally engage in their outreach.

“May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light” (Colossians 1:11-12).
