LWML Sunday

Fall is the favorite season for many of us. We have blue skies, warm days, cool nights, and summer’s humidity has gone.

In October, we celebrate LWML Sunday. Pastor Larry Krueger, a past pastoral counselor for the LWML Texas District, authored the materials for this year with the theme “Kingdom People Produce Kingdom Fruit.” The materials are based on Jesus’ words to the chief priests and Pharisees found in Matthew 21:43 The kingdom of God will be … given to a people producing its fruits. God has given us everything we need to produce fruit and plant the seeds of faith in others. What joy we have knowing that the kingdom of God is ours!

Share this joy in your church by using the resources available on the website, including the sermon, bulletin covers, a children’s message, and ideas for encouraging mite donations. Talk with your pastor about using these resources for starting an LWML group in your congregation. All are available for free download. Check out the LWML Sunday materials here and begin planning your celebration.
