Sharing Love

Our world seems to have been turned upside down since March 2020 when the effects of a pandemic hit the shores of our country. The β€œenemy” was an unseen, deadly virus that affected people from all walks of life β€” young, old, professional, unemployed, healthy, weak β€” its effects did not discriminate.

The LWML devotion β€œI Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love” shares a delightful story about a little girl who drops a message out of her window only to be picked up by a stranger walking by. The message: β€œTo Whoever Finds This β€” I Love You!”

What a wonderful way to be reminded that we are loved β€” by God, by friends and family, by strangers. We are loved and we are encouraged to share love.

Sharing love can take many different forms β€” phone calls instead of hugs, written notes instead of lunch gatherings, personal prayers instead of corporate worship. No matter the method β€” the message is the same β€” God loves us all.
