Three Persons Yet Only One God

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (2 Corinthians 13:14).

While leading music at Vacation Bible School, I always tried to have the children learn to sing a round. Each part in a round compliments the others and adds beauty and dimensions to the song. One of my favorites taught the concept of the Trinity and how God the Father created us, God the Son redeemed us, and God the Holy Spirit sanctifies us.

June 7 was Trinity Sunday. We, with awesome wonder, appreciate the Trinity: three Persons yet only one God. Many throughout the world still need to hear the wonderful truth of how God the Father sent the Son, God the Son went to the cross, and God the Holy Spirit brings the cross to them for their eternal salvation.

The LWML helps spread the Good News of the Triune God through mite support of our mission grants. Learn more about the our mission grants on the LWML website.
