Walking for Missions
Imagine taking a walk with several thousand individuals who are all wearing the same color shirt, all of them walking for the Lord. Yes, it has happened in the past, and it can happen again, and it will be done when you attend and join the Mission Pledge Walk at the LWML convention next summer in Albuquerque, New Mexico on June 22–25, 2017.
In 2015 at the LWML convention in Des Moines, Iowa over $101,500 was pledged and received for the 2015–2017 biennium’s new $2,000,000 mite goal (the largest goal ever), all as a result of thousands of individuals putting one foot ahead of the other and walking together for the Lord’s work in mission fields around the world. Let’s do it again! Put on your comfortable shoes and walk with joy-filled hearts for the Lord’s mission of bringing the Good News to those around the world. You’ll never regret your commitment to Serving the Lord with Gladness! I’ll be walking with you.