What Can We Give God?
Why do we expect gifts for our birthdays? Should we not be sending gifts to our parents for giving us life? Why do we expect gifts for Christmas? It is Jesus’ birthday, not ours. Ultimately, that all we have, including our faith, is a gift from the Almighty. We should be thanking God and giving to Him. God has given us life, food and clothing, shelter, family and friends, the list goes on but most importantly the hope of eternal life because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
In thankfulness for all He has given to each of us, is there anything we can offer that reflects our Lord’s desires? Yes! We can give to others as He has given to us. Jesus said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34). What a privilege to share His mercy and grace, and His message of salvation with the world. We serve, we love, we give mission offerings because He has first given to us!
What can we give to our Savior? Our lives, our service, our hands and feet, our silver and gold, our everything! At this very moment, souls are touched by God’s mercy and love through the LWML. As you peruse this website, you will find resources to help you serve others, grow and share your faith, and pray for and give to mission grants. Oh, the joy of returning His love!
In His service, filled with His joy,